Additional Expert Lawn Care Services

Additional Services in Ohio

We’re here to take care of your property from every angle. To ensure we can handle whatever issue you’re having, we offer a variety of additional services. These include grub control, lime treatment, fungus control, and soil testing. If you know something is wrong with your lawn but aren’t sure what’s causing it, you don’t have to guess! We offer comprehensive inspections to help you get started.

Grub Control

If your grass has irregular yellow patches or is suddenly getting thinner, grubs might be the culprit. Grubs are white, C-shaped beetle larvae that burrow underground and snack on grassroots, tearing up your lawn in the process. Once they become adult beetles, they’ll reproduce and create another generation of grubs. The only way to escape this cycle is with professional grub control. We use reduced-risk products to get rid of these pests and save your grass.

Signs of a grub problem include:

  • Spongy-feeling turf.
  • Grass that easily rolls up like a carpet.
  • Thinning grass with yellow patches.
  • Dead spots that pop up randomly.
  • Wildlife in your yard that are digging for grubs.
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Lime Treatment

Lime is a soil amendment that’s made from limestone rock, which is naturally alkaline. It’s added to adjust the pH of lawns that are too acidic for healthy grass growth. Acidic soil can stop your grass from receiving the nutrients it needs, causing yellow, wilted, and overall unhealthy turf. It’s best to let the professionals apply lime because using too much or not enough can negatively impact your grass, and even make things worse than before.

Fungus Control

Your lawn naturally has fungal spores in it, and they’re usually harmless. Under the right conditions, however, these spores can cause problems like brown patch or pink snow mold. Lawn diseases like these won’t go away on their own. Instead, they’ll get worse until they take over your entire property. Don’t risk the health of your grass, trust our fungus control! We’ll identify the specific issue and start treating it right away using safe, effective products.

Soil Testing & Enrichment

A healthy lawn starts with healthy soil! To get a better understanding of what’s happening in your lawn, we offer soil testing. We’ll look at the pH of the soil, which should be between 6.0-7.0, as well as the nutrient content and how much organic matter is in the soil. If you don’t have the ideal conditions, we offer enrichment treatments to improve soil health and make it easier to grow beautiful plants.

Service from Local Experts

Caring for your lawn is a science, which is why it’s so difficult to do on your own. At Alpha Lawn Care, we have over 20 years of experience plus the tools, products, and knowledge needed to get things done right the first time. But you don’t have to just take our word for it! Our services come with free re-treatments. If your lawn doesn’t respond positively to our treatments, we’ll return for no additional charge.


Areas We Service in Ohio

As a locally-owned business, we love helping our neighbors achieve their dream lawns while forming lasting connections with the communities we serve. Check out our service area to see if we can help you!

Columbia Station
North Ridgeville
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